Read how PocketSmith veteran Chris manages his finances — from simple transaction categorization to the more complex, like forecasting cash flow.
I am a self-funded retiree in my mid 60’s. My wife and I spend quite a lot of time traveling around Australia and enjoying our grandchildren.
I am the CFO and household manager (my wife still works on a casual basis).
It was the online access to all my financial institutions. I had been a long-time user of MS Money and Quicken, but I became tired of entering each transaction from my monthly statements.
I have been with PocketSmith since 2017 (nearly seven years).
I use PocketSmith on a daily basis, usually on the mobile app:
On a less frequent basis:
Longer term:
It allows me to make long-term forecasts.
The Dashboard, transaction confirmation, and forecast graphs.
Turn on confirmations so that you know what’s really going on and can categorize correctly.
Use labels to reduce the number of categories, especially if you want to track transactions for vehicles.
Pay extra into bonus accounts to earn additional interest.