Image multi-factor type (captcha's) now supported
Blog post · 6 Mar, 2012

We have further enhanced multi-factor authentication in the Bank Feed service, and image-based security information is processed correctly.

This means if your institution requires a captcha image on login, this will now be displayed in the Feeds overlay or in the security information pop-up that appears when the required information is received from the Bank Feed service.

With this release, the Bank Feed service now supports all multi-factor authentication types available through the data provider! This is an important milestone towards getting the Bank Feed service out of beta status.

Right now, we’re focussing on allowing multiple logins at a single institution to be added - we expect the launch of this feature (finally) in the next few days. As always, updates will be post here on the product blog.

Beyond this, we’ll be pushing forward on the overall stability and reliability of the Bank Feed service over the coming weeks, so any bug reports or feedback overall will be very gratefully received!

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