Use the calendar to view your account balances in the mobile app
New feature · 19 Nov, 2020

Another much-requested feature has been brought to the mobile app!

You can now view the balances for your accounts on any day in the past or future with the calendar. This includes both the actual and forecast balances for the past and forecast balances for the future.

Just tap on a day on the calendar, select the Balances option, and the balances for that day will be shown below.

Custom Dashboards Feature Preview is Live!
New feature · 30 Oct, 2020

You can now preview new custom dashboards for web! If you’re a beta user, you would have seen the link in the Dashboard toolbar to give it a try over the past few months. Now, everyone will see this link on the right hand side of the current Dashboard.

Read all about custom dashboards on our blog and get into the nitty-gritty in the Learn Center.

Application downtime for maintenance, scheduled for Sep 30, 10:00 - 10:30 UTC
Downtime · 29 Sep, 2020

In order to perform server maintenance, PocketSmith will be offline for up to 30 minutes on Wednesday, 30 September, at 10:00 UTC. See for when this is in your timezone.

We apologise for the inconvenience this downtime causes. We will be posting to our status page at throughout the scheduled maintenance, so please keep an eye on that for updates as they occur. Thanks for your patience!

Updated desktop apps to v0.3
Update · 4 Sep, 2020

We have updated the PocketSmith desktop apps so that the underlying framework is up-to-date. The app is also now notarized with Apple, so you will no longer receive warnings when installing the application on macOS.

You can download the new desktop version at

To learn more about the desktop apps, have a look at this guide in our learn center:
PocketSmith Desktop Apps.

Rollover budgeting is now in beta. Try it out!
Feature in beta · 21 Aug, 2020

Our most requested feature is now ready for you to try!

Many of you have asked us to add rollover budgeting, and after over three years of work, we are ready to share this with you.

To understand how you can use our new rollover budgeting feature, check out this post, which explains our implementation’s power: Rollover budgeting in PocketSmith, now in beta.

Once you understand how it can be used, start creating some rollover budgets in your own PocketSmith account with the help of this guide: Rollover budgeting.

New balance graph widget and screen in the mobile apps
New feature · 9 Apr, 2020

We’ve added a balance graph to the mobile dashboard! This handy widget allows you to see your actual and forecast balances.

Tapping on the widget takes you to a more detailed balance screen, where you can view a breakdown of your balances by account, drag the graph slider see your balances at a particular date, and compare actual and forecast balance amounts.

Use the filter icon to adjust the date range and include or exclude individual accounts.

Application downtime for maintenance, scheduled for Mar 26, 11:00 - 11:30 UTC
Downtime · 25 Mar, 2020

In order to perform server maintenance, PocketSmith will be offline for up to 30 minutes on Thursday, 26 March, at 11:00 UTC. See for when this is in your timezone.

We apologise for the inconvenience this downtime causes. We will be posting to our status page at throughout the scheduled maintenance, so please keep an eye on that for updates as they occur. Thanks for your patience!

Setup reminders to check your budgets and categorise your transactions
New feature · 18 Mar, 2020

Don’t let budgets and uncategorised transactions get away on you! PocketSmith reminders are here.

Keep on top of important tasks in PocketSmith, at a time that works for you. Learn how to set up mobile and email reminders in the following guide: Scheduling Reminders in PocketSmith.

Detailed popup for budget and bill events on the Calendar
Update · 20 Feb, 2020

We have added a new popup for budgets and bills on the calendar page to make it easier to see relevant details, including an analysis for budgets, or payment status for bills.

When you hover over a budget event, more details for the budget period will show, including the days remaining in the budget period and the total of relevant transactions. Bills will additionally show whether the bill is upcoming, has been paid, or is overdue.

Bulk actions now available while confirming transactions
Update · 9 Jan, 2020

It is now possible to confirm and edit multiple transactions while in the ‘Awaiting confirmation’ transaction listing.

There are now checkboxes for each transaction when confirming them. Ticking a checkbox next to transactions will show new options in the toolbar to edit or confirm the selected transactions.

Search transactions by currency code
Update · 7 Jan, 2020

You can now search for transactions by currency code, if you have transactions in multiple currencies. At the bottom of the transaction search criteria form, there is a new currency option, if applicable. From there, you can choose one or more currency codes that you’d like to filter your transactions by.

Calendar with budgets added to the mobile apps
New feature · 20 Nov, 2019

We have brought the calendar to our mobile apps!

This first release of the calendar allows you to view the budget events for a selected day. It is currently read-only so budgets are not able to be edited, however more updates will be coming soon.

Added Salt Edge bank feed integration for EU and UK accounts
New feature · 31 Oct, 2019

We have restored the ability for users with accounts in the European Union and United Kingdom to have bank feeds, by using a new bank feed provider - Salt Edge.

We found out at a very late stage that our existing bank feed provider Yodlee wasn’t going to be able to provide us with bank feeds in the EU and UK past the PSD2 deadline of 14 September 2019, as detailed in this post.

Since learning of this, we have been hard at work trying to find solutions for easily importing of transactions for EU and UK accounts. Luckily, we found that Salt Edge provided a solution that was able to work within PSD2 regulations and we have been hurriedly integrating this into PocketSmith.

We have just released the Salt Edge integration and you can find out how to set this up for your EU and UK accounts with the following guide: Salt Edge: UK & EU bank feeds.

Dark mode and budget widget for the mobile apps
New feature · 28 Oct, 2019

The latest release of the mobile apps for Android and iOS includes a new favorite budget widget for the dashboard. With this budget widget, you can choose what categories budgets you want to quickly see on your dashboard.

We have also added dark mode to the apps. This can automatically change based on your system setting in Android 10 and iOS 13, or you can change it manually from the app.

Multi-currency enhancements
Update · 17 Oct, 2019

As we continue towards getting multi-currency out of beta, we have improved multi-currency support in a few different areas.

The Transaction and Timeline pages now respects the ‘Show in base currency’ option.

The Auto-budget tool will correctly convert between currencies.

The ‘Recent activity’ and ‘Your next 7 days’ Dashboard widgets now show the correct currencies.

The Digest email now shows correctly converted amounts.

The converted amount to the base currency has been added to the exported transaction file.

Improved MFA entry for bank feeds
Update · 9 Oct, 2019

We’ve improved the experience when a bank feed prompts for multi-factor authentication.

Along with other changes, if your bank feeds require multiple MFA details, these will be queued so that once you complete one, the next one will then show.

Improved connecting of bank feeds
Update · 26 Sep, 2019

We’ve made the connecting of bank feeds and entering credentials easier. You are now taken through the bank feed connection process step-by-step.

Improvements for bank file importing
Update · 13 Sep, 2019

You can now import a bank file into PocketSmith by dragging-and-dropping the bank file onto an account on the Account Summary.

For OFX, QFX and QIF files that contain both payee and memo fields, these will both be imported into the merchant name within PocketSmith.

If an OFX or QFX bank file you’re importing into a newly created account contains an account type and account balance, these will be autofilled for the new account.

If the OFX or QFX file contains an account number, this will be added to the account in PocketSmith and any subsequent uploads will autofill the selected account based on matching account numbers.

When importing CSV files, the last used CSV format for the selected account will now be remembered.

Beta of new reminders feature
Feature in beta · 7 Aug, 2019

We have developed a new reminders feature that allows you to schedule times to be reminded about checking your budgets or categorizing your transactions.

You can choose to be reminded by email and/or a mobile notification.

This is only a beta release, as we continue testing this new feature. So in order to try it out, you need to have opted into the beta features as shown in this guide: Becoming a beta tester in PocketSmith. You can then create reminders by going to Settings > User preferences > Reminders.

Improved way to establish accounts from bank feeds
Update · 31 Jul, 2019

We have made it simpler to establish bank accounts after you have connected a bank feed. It is now much easier to link to an existing account or create new accounts.

For more details about establishing accounts from bank feeds, check out the following guide: Establishing your bank feed accounts in PocketSmith.

Updated desktop apps
Update · 24 Jul, 2019

We have updated our beta desktop apps to version 0.20, which is a maintenance release that updates the framework that the desktop application is built on.

The updated desktop app can be downloaded at

One-off budget event improvements
Update · 24 Jul, 2019

We have recently improved how PocketSmith deals with one-off budget events, and things will now behave in a way which we think is more usable and sensible.

One-off budget events are no longer “inserted” into a series of repeating budgets within the same category, and will not stand alone within a sequence of repeating budgets. So, if you add an extra $50 to your $170 weekly Groceries budget, you’ll have a $220 grocery budget that week - instead of the extra $50 forming its own budget period.

Also, one-off budgets will no longer have a period which extends forward to the end of your forecast. Due to recent improvements in how flexible we can be in budget analysis, this is no longer necessary to provide an accurate analysis of a series of one-off budget events.

Various other small quirks and oddities with one-off budget events will also have been fixed with this release. If you notice anything out of the ordinary or any unexpected quirks as a result of this release, please get in touch and let us know!

Adding attachments in the mobile apps
New feature · 2 Jul, 2019

In the iOS and Android apps, you can now snap a photo on your phone and attach it to a transaction or upload the photo to the attachment inbox for attaching to a transaction later.

When adding a new cash transaction or editing a transaction, there is new attachment field where you can attach photos from your camera, files from your phone or files in the attachment inbox. You can also view any currently attached files.

Two new widgets have been added to the Dashboard. One allows you to select either a camera or file upload to the attachment inbox. The second widget provides access to the attachment inbox for viewing your attachments.

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