New option to combine payee and memo for file uploads
New feature · 10 May, 2015

When an OFX or QIF file is uploaded, you can now choose to combine each transaction’s “payee” with the “memo” field, to produce a unified merchant description. This is useful if a bank mixes up these fields. The new option is shown at the end of the file upload process.

Category being it's own parent and budget form validation fixed
Bug fix · 7 May, 2015

Previously, a category could be set to be it’s own parent if it was edited through the bulk category form; this problem has been resolved. Also, bug fixes for validation of the advanced “repeat every” section of the budget form have also been released.

Rule creation checkbox when categorizing is now remembered
Update · 6 May, 2015

Now when you categorise transactions, your setting for the “Apply to… as a rule” checkbox is now remembered. This makes repeated rule creation quicker. Also, the “uncategorized” row is now hidden from the Income and Expense statement if there are no uncategorized transactions.

Cashflows "Uncategorized" row can be hidden, annual budgets bugfix
Update · 30 Apr, 2015

The “Uncategorized” row can now be hidden from the Cashflows page, as if it were a normal category on that page. Also, a bug fix was released for annual repeating budgets, which were previously slipping back a day when repeating over a leap year.

Net worth accounts - actual balances in the graph and calendar
Bug fix · 24 Apr, 2015

Quirks in actual balance display for net worth accounts have been fixed. The balance line graph was previously incorrect when the net worth account started after the graph. Also, historical actual net worth balances were stuck at zero when the calendar was in “Show actuals in history” mode.

Categorisation behaviour improved on Bank Statements
Update · 13 Apr, 2015

Now when you categorise transactions from Bank Statements, your current search will be reloaded afterwards. So if you’re working through “uncategorised” transactions for example, the newly categorised transactions will disappear once processed, streamlining the process.

Revamped Google authentication and email confirmation changes
Update · 9 Apr, 2015

We’ve updated our Google login to a new authentication standard. Don’t worry, you’ll log in just like before—all changes are in the background to help set us up for the future. We’ll also now send you a confirmation email if you change your email address, so you’ll know you’ve entered it correctly and we can still get in touch.

Uncategorised in cashflows, feed search and export updates
Update · 8 Apr, 2015

Cashflows now features an “Uncategorized” row in each section, summing all transactions without a category. Searching for bank feeds is now fuzzy, meaning exact search terms aren’t needed to find an institution. We’ve also fixed the XLSX transaction export for Numbers for Mac, as previously some columns would not appear at all.

Bulk Actions control change and Category update fixes
Update · 7 Apr, 2015

The Bulk Actions window now uses the same controls as everywhere else now, meaning you can now un-categorise transactions in bulk from here too. Also, updating a category now triggers required account reloading, resolving some oddities that could occur after editing a budget’s category.

Online shopping sites are now available as live feeds
Update · 1 Apr, 2015

Online shopping sites are now available as live feeds. These include previously discontinued sites:, Banana Republic, Walmart and Amazon (UK).

Incorrect future transactions no longer breaks current transactions
Bug fix · 31 Mar, 2015

Yodlee occasionally displays incorrect transaction dates, sometimes with future dates. This can cause recent transactions to not be found by PocketSmith. We’ve now fixed this, and incorrect future transaction dates will no longer affect finding recent bank feed transactions.

Live Bank Feed Service problems causing unexpected behaviour
Incident · 30 Mar, 2015

15:18 NZST - Errors are occurring on connection attempts between our live bank feed application and Yodlee. This is causing the live bank feed service in PocketSmith to work intermittently, with unexpected behaviour when attempting to add new credentials or perform a live feed update.

20:39 NZST - Yodlee have performed fixes on their end, and errors are no longer occurring. Everything appears to be normal, but we’ll continue monitoring.

Calendar upgrade and tweaks to balances
Update · 24 Mar, 2015

We’ve upgraded the Calendar in preparation for the new UI. Most of the changes are under the hood, but you’ll notice a difference in the way balances are depicted.

Editing from Budgets page now reloads forecast correctly
Bug fix · 16 Mar, 2015

Account forecast data will now be reloaded correctly when a category has a budget added, edited or removed from the Budgets page.

Bank Statments pie chart respects search dates by default
Update · 13 Mar, 2015

The pie graph on Bank Statements now respects the search dates entered into the main search form by default. So, a date entered into the search form will be immediately reflected in the graph.

Historical forecast and budget information calculation update
Bug fix · 11 Mar, 2015

Historical forecast and budget information is now being calculated when navigating backwards through the calendar, in “Show actuals in history” mode. Previously, calculations weren’t triggered properly when in this mode, meaning required data wasn’t available if “Show actuals” was turned off.

Advisor Access now lets you invite an advisor to manage your account
New feature · 4 Mar, 2015

PocketSmith’s Advisor Access feature allows you to invite an advisor, friend or family member to access and manage your account without requiring your password.

Learn more and see an example on our knowledge base:

More robust transaction splitting
Update · 1 Mar, 2015

Splitting transactions now ensures that the sum of the split transaction amounts equals the original transaction amount. Prior to this change it was possible to inadvertently enter amounts that did not sum to the original transaction amount.

Tools drop-down to find duplicates and suspected transfers
New feature · 26 Feb, 2015

Bank Statements now has a Tools dropdown within the toolbar, where you’ll find two new options - Find duplicates and Find transfers, alongside the existing Bulk actions item. This allows you to quickly find any suspected transfers between accounts, and ferret out duplicate transactions much quicker.

Bank Statements view now displays pie charts first
Update · 26 Feb, 2015

The Bank Statements view now displays pie charts first, so you can quickly see if you’re earning more than you’re spending. This can be changed to the traditional line chart by clicking on the ‘Graph’ menu option. PocketSmith will remember your preference for next time.

New zoomable graph
Blog post · 13 Feb, 2015


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